Our Day Out, by Willy Russell - broadcast December 28th, 1977.

The Wikipedia entry for this play baldly states that " Our Day Out is about poor children from Liverpool, England", which makes it sound rather solemn. Indeed, if the entry had added that the children in question were all in a remedial class at their local school, that would have compounded the impression. However, this is one of the most joyous, life-giving pieces of television drama that I have seen. I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised, as Willy Russell also gave us Educating Rita. Shot entirely on film, the play begins in a street that looks as if bailiffs have removed everything of value, including the trees. It is the bleak, post-industrial landscape that will later feature in Alan Bleasdale's Boys From the Blackstuff. A small girl in school uniform is stopped from crossing the road by an elderly lollipop man and she explains that she's in a hurry because her class is going on a school trip. "Where are you going today?" "It'...